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Introduction about five conditions that can cause blocked fallopian tubes





Introduction about five conditions that can cause blocked fallopian tubes

Tubal blockage is a kind of severe disease which will finally cause female infertility. As it does great harm to women's health, attention should be paid to this disease. There are many reasons that induce the blockage, and in this article, the author mainly introduces five conditions that can cause blocked fallopian tubes.
1. Salpingitis: 
Once salpingitis occurs, the opening of fallopian tubes, especially the one which is used to pick up eggs (the umbrella end), is partly or completely obstructed. In addition, salpingitis can also cause the adhesion of inner tubal lining, making the lumen narrow or atresic. As a result, the transportation of eggs, sperms and fertilized eggs are impeded, finally leading to infertility. What's worse, inflammation can spread to the pelvic peritoneum, uterus and the surrounding organs, eventually leading to the hardening of these organs and their ineffective activity. And the fallopian tubes will become stiff and twisted, reaching an incurable degree.
2. Pelvic adhesion:
In the pelvic cavity, adhesion often occurs in the ovary or at the end of the fallopian tubes. And sometimes the fallopian tubes may be adhered to the adjacent organs, disturbing their normal functioning. Under these circumstances, fallopian tubes are also blocked.
3. Sexually transmitted diseases
Due to the increased extramarital sex and sexual partners, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) also rises. These STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasma can easily affect the fallopian tubes if they are not timely or completely treated. 
4. Inflammation after abortion 
Abortion not only terminates the pregnancy, but also tends to cause inflammation. Because of the inflammation and scar tissue in the fallopian tubes, tubal blockage is very likely to occur.  Besides, the embryonic tissue and embryo appendages can also invade into the fallopian tubes, resulting in fallopian tube obstruction. Although this kind of obstruction only has an incidence about 1%, it deserves attention. 
5. Infection after appendicular perforation
For women who have a history of appendicular perforation, the opportunity of tubal blockage will increase. In the result of a contrastive study, the chance of tubal blockage is 4.8 times higher in the experimental group than that in control group. The reason is that, the appendix is close to the fallopian tube, so the infection can easily spread to fallopian tubes and cause scar tissue. 
Once suffering from the above conditions, females must receive timely and appropriate treatment as soon as possible. Only in this way can tubal blockage be effectively prevented and the risk of infertility be greatly reduced. For most gynecological inflammations, chlamydia and mycoplasma, patients can take patented medicine- fuyan pill- to get a cure. Wish all patients soon recovery!



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